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Survivors of Domestic Violence

The percentage of people experiencing homelessness who reported fleeing from Domestic Violence (DV) increased from 13% in 2020 to 25% in 2022.

The inclusion of a transitional housing program that serves families fleeing DV in this year's sheltered count contributed to this pronounced increase. However, when controlling for this program, the proportion of people experiencing homelessness who reported fleeing from DV still increased to 19%.

While conclusions regarding this increase cannot be drawn based on this data alone, research suggests isolation due to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and pandemic-related economic impacts led to increased reports of domestic violence.

During the pandemic, the Pasadena Police Department Domestic Assault Response Team (DART) continued to provide advocacy and support to survivors without an armed officer. Agencies serving DV survivors also ensured households were supported and connected to immediate resources if needed, despite offices being closed to the public.

Encouragingly, HUD recently awarded Pasadena a new permanent housing project for domestic violence survivors through the competitive 2021 CoC funding application. This project will serve ten DV survivors annually, addressing the unique challenges and increased need for housing and services they face by utilizing a trauma-informed, client-centered approach.


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